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Vanilla Cupcakes

4Eggs,8tbspn mayda,6tbspn sugar,Baking Powder 1/2tspn,Cake Improver 3/4tspn,Vanilla Essence 3/4tspn and butter 3/4cup.

First bit eggs white .Make it Merang.Add sugar and bit in high speed.After melting sugar pour eggs yolk,butter and vanilla essence.Seive mayda and baking powder and mix and fold this with eggs white mixture.Batter is ready to keep in oven.set the time for about 15min at 160c.

Make frosting with 1/2cup milk,1pack whipped cream bitting together.Keep about 5/6min in fridge,later spread on cake.Afterthat decorate as u wish

Vanilla Cupcakes Vanilla Cupcakes Reviewed by mitadeep on 12:18 Rating: 5

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