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2 Layered Chiffon Cake

Preparation of caramel:- Spread sugar exactly measurement of the pan  bottom portion.keep the flame low,let sugar melt and add few quantity of water after melting.let it mix properly.If want use this pan as cakes dish,otherwise pour the caramel in the dish of cake evenly.Let it b cool

Preparation of Pudding:- 1litr milk,4Eggs,4tbspn sugar,1tspn vanilla essence, 1tbspn Cornflour (optional) .Boil the milk abt 10min.Take out from hobs.When it will b cool slightly mix other all ingredients and use bitter machine to bit.Pour this on the caramel dish.

Preparation of Cake:- 4Eggs,4tbspn mayda, 4tbspn sugar,1/2tbspn baking powder,1tspn cake improver,1tspn vanilla powder.

First take eggs white and bit it till becomes Merang.Add sugar,eggs yolk,cake improver.In a seaparate bowl seive dry ingredients and mix the bitting items by spatulla.Be confirm there is no lump.Pour this cake dough on the pudding dough....dont worry it will not mix get together.Keep this dish in  oven for 25min and 180c.temparature

2 Layered Chiffon Cake 2 Layered Chiffon Cake Reviewed by mitadeep on 23:45 Rating: 5

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